
What counts is the courage to continue

Walter Albritton

Redmond, Derek’s father. “You don’t have to do this son,” Jim said. “Yes I do!” Derek replied. “Then we’ll finish this race together son,” Jim said. People in the stands were crying. People watching on television were crying. Derek and Jim were crying, tears running down the cheeks of both men. But despite the agonizing pain, Derek found the courage to continue down the track, arm in arm with his father helping him take one step after another. At last they crossed the finish line while hundreds in the stands stood on their feet applauding and shouting. It would later be called the defining moment of the Barcelona Olympics. Those are inspiring stories, but frankly there are days, and times, when I am tempted to give up. I don’t feel like looking for the courage to continue. I want to have a pity party and wallow in my misery. Then I recall the words of Carl Sandburg: “There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud.” That’s when I turn to the Lord and ask for help. And I hear him saying, “Unless you want to wallow in the mud, take my hand and I will help you fly like an eagle.” That is not a hollow promise either. He will do it! He has done it for me many times. Growing up on a farm, I often saw hogs wallowing the mud. It was not a pretty sight. Men and women were not made to wallow in the mud of failure and defeat. And if we refuse to quit, and ask for help, the good Lord will give us the courage to continue. At the end of the day, that’s what counts. + + +