
Suddenly, Jesus!

Walter Albritton

On the day God raised Jesus from the dead, two disciples of Jesus were walking on the road to Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. The two may have been husband and wife, Cleopas and Mary, possibly the two mentioned in John 19:25. Mary was a sister of the mother of Jesus. Doctor Luke tells us in Luke 24 that their faces were “downcast.”

Suddenly, Jesus appeared, though they did not recognize him. As Jesus began talking to them, they shared why they were discouraged. “We thought Jesus was the Messiah but now he has been crucified,” they said.

Jesus interrupted their despair with biblical truth! He began explaining to them what the scriptures teach about himself, beginning with Moses. Though still unaware that it was the resurrected Jesus speaking to them, they wanted him to stay with them in their village home. Jesus agreed. Then, as they sat at the table, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began giving it to them.

That’s when something marvelous happened. Suddenly, Jesus opened their eyes. They realized that the one at the table with them was none other than Jesus. But just as suddenly, Jesus was gone. They sat there, astonished, sharing how their hearts burned within them as he had opened the scriptures to them.

As disciples of Jesus, we, like Cleopas and Mary, are on a journey called life. We too are sometimes “downcast,” disheartened by harsh events that suck the joy out of our lives. But because God raised Jesus from the dead, we can expect him to appear unexpectedly and interrupt our despair with his presence.

The presence of Jesus changes everything for us, just as it did for Cleopas and Mary. When suddenly, Jesus appears, despair is replaced with excitement. New energy is provided, just Cleopas and Mary found the strength to walk back to Jerusalem to share with other believers, “We have seen the Lord!” His presence inspires us to get busy doing what pleases God.

In his gospel, Matthew shares another occasion when suddenly, Jesus appeared. When the women went to the tomb, they witnessed a violent earthquake and saw an angel roll the stone away. The angel said to the women, “Jesus is not here; he has risen, just as he said. So go and tell his disciples he has risen from the dead.” Filled with joy, they hurried away -- when suddenly, they met Jesus!

Jesus has a way of meeting us suddenly, when and where we need him. Some people speak mistakenly of “finding Jesus.” Actually, Jesus finds us. God comes to us. Jesus comes to us. Often he brings people with him. One day a local policeman came to our home, seeking counsel and prayer because his wife was threatening to leave him. As we talked, I realized that suddenly, Jesus had appeared, bringing a policeman with him!

We can read the Scriptures and expect Him to be present with us. We can ask Him to open the scriptures to us so our hearts can also burn. We can break the bread of holy communion and experience his presence. We can expect Him to touch us as we worship, awakening new enthusiasm for serving him.

E. Stanley Jones gave me a great idea that I have practiced in my own life with great benefit. Brother Stanley said when he was praying, he heard the Inner Voice say, “Stanley, in every situation, I want you to say, ‘Here I am Lord,’ and I will take care of the rest. No need for you to worry.” Jones said, “Lord, I seal the bargain. Here I am Lord.”

I have said that many times myself. In doing so, I have felt His Presence. He has told me also not to worry. Peace always comes when I give him permission to take over my life.

I invite you to try it. As my friend Jay Wolf says, “If it worked for me, it will work for you.” I believe it will. Do it now. Then do it daily, ”Here I am Lord.” And trust him to handle every situation you are in.

When we do that, telling others about Jesus becomes our life purpose. The early disciples had a mission after Jesus appeared to them – to tell others that Jesus was alive and to trust Him alone as Lord. As disciples today we have that same mission -- to make disciples, love people into the Kingdom, walk with them in obeying our Lord’s teaching, and help them receive the gift of eternal life.

How do we make disciples? We can tell others the difference Jesus is making in our lives. That is what Cleopas and Mary did when they returned to Jerusalem. It is not easy to share our faith. Our culture frowns on talk about Jesus. But when he is on the throne of your heart, he will give you the wisdom to know when to speak about Jesus. My friend Bob is a good example. Alcohol almost ruined his life. Suddenly, Jesus came to him! He was changed. Now he speaks warmly and graciously about his love for Jesus.

If you feel a need for Jesus to come suddenly into your life, open your heart to his presence and say, “Here I Am Lord. Please take over!” Then do not be surprised that suddenly, Jesus is with you, interrupting your despair and filling your heart with hope and joy.