
In My Need, His Power is Displayed

Walter Albritton

Friends make an awesome difference in our lives. Two special friends – Greg Lotz in Cincinnati and Bonny Johns in Pensacola – shared with me a new song that stirs my soul. The song reminds me that the living Jesus wants to display His power in my weakness. The song is “Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me,” composed and made popular by a group called “CityAlight” in Australia. Warning: These words will bless you!What gift of grace is Jesus, my redeemerThere is no more for heaven now to giveHe is my joy, my righteousness, and freedomMy steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace
To this I hold, my hope is only JesusFor my life is wholly bound to HisOh, how strange and divine, I can sing: All is mine!Yet not I, but through Christ in me
The night Is dark but I am not forsakenFor by my side, the Savior He will stayI labor on in weakness and rejoicingFor in my need, His power is displayed
To this I hold, my Shepherd will defend meThrough the deepest valley, He will leadOh, the night has been won, and I shall overcomeYet not I, but through Christ in me
No fate I dread, I know I am forgivenThe future sure, the price it has been paidFor Jesus bled and suffered for my pardonAnd He was raised to overthrow the grave
To this I hold, my sin has been defeatedJesus now and ever is my pleaOh, the chains are released, I can sing: I am free!Yet not I, but through Christ in me
With every breath, I long to follow JesusFor He has said that He will bring me homeAnd day by day I know He will renew meUntil I stand with joy before the throne
To this I hold, my hope is only JesusAll the glory evermore to HimWhen the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat:Yet not I, but through Christ in me! How marvelous the great affirmation of this song: Though the night is dark, the Savior, my Shepherd has not forsaken me and In my need, despite my weakness, His power is displayed! Oh Yes! In my own sorrow I have felt the presence of my Shepherd by my side, breaking my chains and guiding me home until that day I shall stand with joy before His throne! Singing this song chases the darkness of sadness away as my Shepherd strengthens me to live a life that honors Him! If you are now in a dark night, struggling in a deep valley, and wishing for His peace, then turn to Jesus. Admit your need and trust Him. Pray as the Spirit leads you. Or pray this prayer as your own: “Jesus, I am getting nowhere trusting myself so today I will start trusting you to forgive me, redeem me, guide me, comfort me as my Shepherd. I invite you to strengthen the muscles of my heart, mind and soul. Fill me with your strength so that no matter what I must face tomorrow, I will be able to say with joy, it is well with my soul. In the power of your name I pray. Amen.”Now, trusting Jesus, move forward. With every breath follow Jesus, obeying His Inner Voice. With your Shepherd by your side, you will realize that Jesus truly is everything. Abiding in Him, you will receive all the strength you need to be his strong and courageous servant until the day He calls you Home. Glory!!!