
Give Joseph a little attention this Christmas

Walter Albritton

Joseph received his instructions from an angel in a dream. A lesser man might have ignored the advice. Joseph did not. He obeyed the angel, putting aside his own plan to end his commitment to Mary. Instead he brought her into his home and cared for her until Jesus was born. Pride causes all of us to prefer our own plans. We know what is best. We need no advice, not even counsel from God. We wince when God says, “Do it my way.” Joseph did not. He trusted God. We could hardly expect Joseph to comprehend how this baby would “save his people from their sins.” Nevertheless, he names the baby Jesus as instructed. None of us ever understands all that God is doing in the events of our lives. God does not require that we understand. He does require that we respond as Joseph did, in faithful obedience. Joseph was an ordinary man called into God’s service. And God still calls and uses ordinary men who will do what he asks even when they do not fully understand God’s plan. The flight into Egypt is another example of how Joseph complies with God’s plan. Again, an angel gives Joseph directions in a dream. Joseph must act quickly to save Jesus from death at the hands of wicked Herod the Great. Losing no time, Joseph leaves in the night and escorts his little family to safety in Egypt. Later Joseph is again instructed by the angel to take Mary and Jesus into Israel. Those who wished to kill Jesus are now dead. So Joseph carries out his orders, taking Mary and Jesus to his home in Nazareth. We know little about the childhood of Jesus. But it is safe to say that Joseph and Mary taught Jesus, and their other children, the Holy Scriptures. In that home they were taught to pray, to love one another and to love God. Skilled carpentry requires patience. Surely Jesus learned the art of patience while growing up in the home of a carpenter. No doubt Jesus assisted Joseph in constructing the furniture in their humble home and in making fine yokes that were used to work oxen in Nazareth. Joseph was not a prominent man. That he was an ordinary man should remind us that God chooses common people to do his will. He calls people in different ways. He used an angel to get Joseph’s attention but he can reach a person’s heart by a thousand stairways. When he speaks, we should be careful to listen and obey. What God asks will usually be little tasks, not impressive assignments. We need not wait until we “fully understand.” Mother Teresa said it best, “We cannot all do great things but we can all do small things with great love.” When we do, not caring who receives the credit, God’s work is done in God’s way to God’s glory. God used Joseph to help the world see Jesus. God can use our quiet, humble deeds of love and mercy to show Jesus to our world.