
Finding the Strength to Finish Well

Walter Albritton

In these fourth quarter years of my life I have pondered often the need to finish well the journey of life. I do not want to finish poorly so, before the horn sounds the game’s end, I keep asking for the wisdom to get it right. Examples and connections come to mind. Examples are important. Some are good, some bad. God blessed me with several excellent examples of how life ought to be lived. My Dad was the first. His example of integrity has influenced every day of my life. The pastor of my teen years, Si Mathison, was another. His joyful spirit inspired me to say, “If that is what a real Christian is like, then I want to be one!” The example of several other pastor friends helped shape the direction of my life. Some were older; some were my peers. In each one I saw a genuine love for Christ and a servant heart that I wanted to emulate. As much as anyone, Paul Duffey exemplified for me the kind, humble, loving way a pastor may live out his retirement years. Griffin Lloyd inspired me to seek a deeper life in Christ. Red Hildreth’s homespun preaching stirred me to become a more persuasive preacher. Poor examples are valuable, revealing mistakes we should try to avoid. The Bible’s King Solomon is an interesting example. For many years Solomon served God well, providing wisdom lessons that found a place in the Bible. For much of his life Solomon was a good example. The problem is that, despite his great wisdom, he did not finish well. His life ended in disgrace. Why did Solomon not finish well? The Bible explains it simply: “his wives led him astray.” We find this sad commentary in First Kings, chapter 11: “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been.” How do we explain Solomon’s failure? Perhaps his power as the king intoxicated him to the extent that he ignored God and made his own rules. The sad result is the story of a man who had it all but lost it before crossing the finish line. For a great example of one who endured to the end and finished well, we can find no better example than that of the Apostle Paul. After enduring severe persecution, incarceration and hardship, Paul sat chained in a Roman prison. Aware that his execution was imminent, Paul could have moaned about how God had deserted him. Instead he wrote these inspiring words to Timothy: Matthew 11:28-29 – Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me…. I found that I must “come to Jesus” daily! Going to Jesus constantly is necessary for me to stay in all circumstances yoked to Him. His rest provides the strength to take the next step. Going to Jesus daily, in prayer, in holy communion, in reading and digesting the scriptures, opens my heart to receive his grace. He called me to serve Him and promised to be with me to the end. He is faithful. I can count on that! Ephesians 3:32 – And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Kindness always honors Christ. Tenderhearted kindness is the trademark of His servants. And life is impossible without forgiveness. Galatians 2:20 – I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. When I surrendered to Jesus, I became alive to God. I live in Christ. Christ lives in me. Outside of Christ, there is no life. Living in Christ is the only way to live! Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This my “life verse” and it reminds me that in Him alone can I find the strength to remain a “good and faithful servant.” His strengthening presence empowers me to serve Him. To finish well, as a servant of Jesus, I must remain connected to Him, to my friends who are fellow servants of Jesus, and to His Living Word which provides my soul with bread for the journey. Of one thing I am certain: I cannot finish well in my own strength. I must have help. But, thanks be to God, that help is available! Perhaps nothing expresses this truth better than these words introduced to me by my wife Dean, my dearest fellow servant of Jesus: O Christ I cannot do without Thee! I cannot stand alone; I have no strength, no goodness Nor wisdom of my own. But Thou, O blessed Savior, Art all in all to me, And perfect strength in weakness Is theirs who lean on Thee. Until then, Glory! + + +