
Do the best you can with the role you are given

Walter Albritton

Their Hur Stragbourg Of all the brilliant comments Mother Teresa made, I love this quote the most: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Yes! How important it is to understand that idea! We cannot all be stars, quarterbacks, surgeons or “big” people. Most of us must learn to be content with supporting roles. But we must not be ashamed of our role no matter how small it may be. Little people can do small things with great love! Little people matter! Little people are necessary! The stars cannot shine without them! . But we can do .” Yes! How important it is to understand that idea! We cannot all be stars, quarterbacks, surgeons or “big” people. Most of us must learn to be content with supporting roles. But we must not be ashamed of our role no matter how small it may be. Little people can do small things with great love! Little people matter! Little people are necessary! The stars cannot shine without them! Basketball Coach Jim Valvano said it well: “Every single day, in every walk of life, ordinary people do extraordinary things.” So here is the clarion call to all the world’s little people: Do not envy the stars. Do not fret that you are not one. Be content with the role you are given and give it your best every day. Stardom is not the goal. Faithfulness is the goal. What really matters is living daily so that, when the last bell is rung, you will hear the good Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” So enjoy your role! Do it well! And you will have peace. + + + So