
Choose to Be Resolute

Walter Albritton

The passing of Christmas ushers us into the season to ridicule the making of New Year resolutions. Critics say it’s foolish to make lofty resolutions that most of us will give up on before the end of the month.

Though there is truth in that criticism, it is also true that no one lives well who does not become “resolute” about certain things. Resolve is not a bad word. It is a splendid word for it is one of the keys to success in the game of life.

Few things worth doing are accomplished until one becomes determined to achieve a goal. That is what “resolve” means – to settle on an objective and go after it wholeheartedly. The person who is “resolute” about a goal will “stay with the program” and refuse to give up.

Failure results from allowing inertia to win the day. Tired of trying, one may surrender to fatigue and become irresolute. In the vacuum of inactivity, life becomes stagnate and decay soon takes over. Laziness, however, can be overcome if we become resolute about their dreams. We can will to win and persevere until victory is ours. We can resolve to let nothing deter us from passionately pursuing our goals.

As we begin a new year we can determine to make it a great year. We know what works for our benefit and what works against us. We know that boundaries are essential and that discipline is necessary to become the best that we can be. We know that success does not come easy, that there is a price to be paid for excellence.

Since my teen years I have loved an old song that has motivated me to stop playing in shallow water and risk wading into the deep water of faith. Ponder the words; they explain so clearly the value of becoming resolute:

I am resolved no longer to linger,
Charmed by the world’s delight;
Things that are higher,
Things that are nobler,
These have allured my sight.
I will hasten to Him,
Hasten so glad and free,
Jesus, greatest, highest,
I will come to Thee.

As I move into the year 2024, I am resolved to rise up every morning and “hasten” to Jesus for I find in him the desires of my heart. He fulfills my hunger for meaning and my thirst for a life that matters. I am determined to live every minute under the Lordship of Jesus and honor him with every breath and every decision. In this I am totally resolved, with no reservations.

As you reflect on the gift of life and your use of it, about what can you say with dogged determination, I am resolved!? Resolutions are optional. To be resolute is not! Choose to be resolute about what matters to you if you would live well in the new year. + + +