
Any old rooster can remind you

Walter Albritton

As the rooster was crowing, Peter looked across from the fire into the eyes of Jesus, the man he had just denied knowing, not once but three times. Luke pens these remarkable words: “The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.” I say “remarkable” because what Peter saw in the eyes of Jesus was not anger but forgiving love. What Peter saw that moment was the amazing compassion of God for broken people. The love Peter saw in the eyes of Jesus broke his heart. Realizing what a mess he had made of his life, Peter fell to pieces. Luke pens these sad words: “And he went outside and wept bitterly.” But there is more to the story! A broken man weeping bitterly is not the end of the story! Later, when Peter had ceased weeping, in despair he went fishing. And while he was busy fishing, the risen Jesus was on the shore cooking breakfast for Peter and the other disciples. There on that beach, Jesus forgave Peter for his sins and redeemed a broken man. Peter became a new man! And the remarkable change in Peter’s life gives hope to every broken person in the world today. Look at it this way: Because Jesus forgave Peter, you can start over after making a mess of your life. I know that is true because he did that for me. At age 45, I was a mess, a weeping failure as a pastor, husband and father. But Jesus forgave me and helped me pick up the pieces and start over. Once you experience forgiveness for your sins, you can tell other broken people the good news that they too can start over again. That is what I have been telling hurting people for 67 years and that is what I plan to keep telling everyone who will listen!