
A Prayer for America

Walter Albritton

Walter Albritton January 22, 2017 Loving Father, God of all people and God of America, I praise and thank you for the marvelous ways you have blessed our nation to this present hour. In these days, when a new president has been inaugurated, I thank you that the transfer of power was made without bloodshed. I thank you for the realization that the president is not our Savior but a man who needs to trust you and walk in your ways like the rest of us. Grant to our new president the wisdom to honor you in all things and to lead our nation into new unity and peace. Bless the former president with wisdom as well so that in his remaining days he may help to heal the divisive spirit plagues our land. Have mercy upon us all and forgive us for the polarization that threatens to paralyze our nation. Help us to exchange our hatred and ill will for compassion and love toward those who are different from us. Teach us to desire peace more than prosperity. Give us the good sense to work together for peace and good will, being willing to do those things that are necessary for you to heal our land. Touch my mind and my tongue so that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart will be pleasing to you. Help us all to discern what is truth, and what are lies, and to share truth with others. Give us the desire to put you first in our work, our homes and our hearts. Forgive us for ignoring you and presuming that we can live well without honoring you. Bless America with a new spirit of brotherhood that encourages kindness and respect for others even when we disagree. Deliver us from evil and teach us how to love each other so that our nation can become to the world a beautiful example of one nation under God. Help those of us who love the one true Savior, Jesus Christ, so to serve him that others will want to walk with us in obedience to your holy will. Give us fresh compassion for the poor, the marginalized and the disenfranchised. Show us new ways to overcome selfishness by blessing those who need help which we can give. Though we are undeserving, please bless the United States of America with new hope, new vision, and a new willingness to love you with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves. In the name of your son Jesus, Amen and Amen.