
A language the deaf can hear and the blind can see

Walter Albritton

Thus Twice in his letters, Paul speaks of our salvation as being “the kindness of God.” Indeed, God’s willingness to allow Christ to die for us “while we were yet sinners” is the ultimate kindness. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul invites us to “be imitators of God.” At first glance that seems impossible, but it is what we are called to do – to imitate God’s kindness as we relate to others, thus practicing forgiveness like that we have received from God. Here is surely the solution to the incivility that threatens to destroy our nation! Receiving authentic kindness, when we least deserve it, can be life-changing. On one occasion (and there have been many others!), I did a foolish thing. I voiced some sharp criticisms of a man in my church who had been a close friend. When others told him what I had said, he called me and poured his anger into my ears. Our friendship was history. Days went by, days when my guilt was overwhelming. Finally, I swallowed my pride and drove to his home, actually hoping he would not be there! But he was there, and I managed somehow to get the words out: “I want to apologize for what I said and ask you to forgive me. I need your friendship in my life.” Thankfully he was open to reconciliation. We wept unashamedly and prayed together and God restored our relationship. I have never forgotten the joy of that moment for it was an act of kindness for both of us. Kindness demonstrated. Kindness practiced. Kindness at work. Perhaps that is why my favorite verse in the New Testament is Ephesians 4:32 – “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.” Who would come to mind if you were to ask for yourself the question King David asked, “Is there someone to whom I can show the kindness of God?” Ponder that. Then ask yourself this question: Is it time for me to engage in an act of kindness that could be life-changing? Dare to go where the Spirit leads! + + +