Measure Your Life by Breathtaking Moments: Choose to measure your life by the moments that take your breath away, not by the number of breaths you take. thumbnail

Measure Your Life by Breathtaking Moments: Choose to measure your life by the moments that take your breath away, not by the number of breaths you take.

Golden moments.
Breathtaking moments.
Some beautiful, some agonizing. We have all had them. Walter invites us to measure our life by those moments, not by the number of breaths we take. Reading about Walter’s breathtaking moments will help you identify your own. Doing so is a positive exercise that will help you celebrate your life and affirm the times when you have been in the right place, at the right time, doing what God wanted you to do. You will see that breathtaking moments are not only the marvelous moments but also the terrifying moments of fear and dismay. But, in retrospect, you may discover what Walter discovered, that even in the worst moments you heard the Master Potter saying, “I will use even this to shape you into the person I have destined you to become.” So turn these pages. Let Walter share his heart with you. Walter’s hope is that you will be encouraged to measure your own life not by the number of breaths you take, but by the awesome moments that take your breath away.

“Breathtaking moments are priceless.
Like the thrill of hearing my wife say,
as we were watching an afternoon sunset,
‘I wouldn’t take anything for the journey we have shared together!’
My heart skipped a beat!
It is exciting to awaken each morning and wonder
what breathtaking moments are yet to come!”

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