"God Sees the Magnificent Potential of Your Life!"

A sermon preached by Walter Albritton at Trinity, 9 a.m., Jan. 14, 2001

John 21:4-13 -Memory Verse: John 21:12 Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." A beautiful invitation! What a wonderful way to begin a new day -- to have someone invite you to breakfast! Especially when your night has been so bad. And it had been a rough night. In despair Peter had given up to go fishing. Other disciples went with him. But as always when we are running from God, he had a miserable time. Caught nothing. Now this beautiful invitation from Jesus reveals:

The Magnificent Attitude of God!

Want to know what God thinks of cowards, or people who have failed, or lied, or turned a deaf ear to God? Here is your answer! He loves you. He will not let you alone. We quickly turn away from those who disappoint us. God will not. Observe God’s attitude as Jesus does not reprimand Peter but graciously offers his acceptance. Then you can see:

The Magnificent Power of God!

God changes, redeems Peter right before our eyes! He invites Peter to begin to realize his potential. He convinces Peter that he is counting on him, that he needs him for his work in the world. Many of you never realize your potential because you refuse to surrender to the power of God to change your life, to release your potential, to break the chains that bind you.

Some of us need to forgive ourselves; others of us need to forgive someone else. Stephanie Palmer’s story reveals the power of God to change our lives. A robber shot off half her face, disfigured her, requiring 20 surgeries. At the man’s trial, she took the witness stand and said, "I forgive you for what you did to me." She forgave the man who ruined her face and robbed her of a normal life. Here was the power of God at work! You can sing about the power of God but before you can experience it you must ask him to release you from resentment, self-pity, despair, hatred, and doubt. When you do that you will be stunned by:

The Magnificent Willingness of God!

He is more willing than you can imagine to give you a new attitude, a new expectancy, and a new future. He will not force his way into your life, but waits for you to invite him in. A little girl was excited that her father was taking her to see the movie, Snow White. "But," someone asked, "won’t you be afraid of the wicked witch?" "No, when she comes on, I won’t look at her. I will look at my father!" That is the secret: glance at the world, but gaze at the Father! Your Father is willing to help you follow Peter’s example. Receive God’s forgiveness. Begin to obey him. Care about others; like Peter you can feed his sheep. Here is the prayer you can pray right now to embrace:

The Magnificent Offer of God!

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, thank you for loving me in spite of my sins. Forgive me Lord, for I am ready now to surrender to your magnificent plan for my life. Take me as I am and use me as you will. Amen."